AI at your service
Run built-in algorithms to deliver diagnoses at lightning speed! See how prostate cancer areas are automatically graded and mapped with Gleason system.
Detailed information
Put selection, measure sample, and add any other relevant information.
Get consultation at ease
Share files via link or to specified group and cooperate with other experts.
ICD-O libraries at your fingertips
Use built-in ICD-O standards to deliver diagnoses faster.
Your digital archive
Access your files easily and add any necessary changes.
Zoom faster than in microscope
Store huge images and zoom through the digital slides easily.
ICCR reports
Generate reports automatically according to ICCR templates or standards/templates used in your practice.
Share with link or via iframe
Share interesting slides with your audience in an interactive way through an iframe containing our PathoViewer. There is no longer a need to use boring, non-interactive images for this.